The only gift I ever expect is the pleasure of your company. However, if it pleases you to be extra generous, I would be delighted if you donated to 56 Dean Street, a sexual health clinic in Soho. I attend regularly for routine health screens and, despite their funding being cut over and over again, they really are the most wonderful team and treat sex workers and other marginalised demographics with compassion and dignity. My sexual health is extremely important to me, and it is truly a blessing that such a place exists. Please do check the link before donating as sometimes they update their fundraisers! If, like me, you're suspicious about external payment links, you can simply type into google '56 Dean Street', go to their website and click on the 'donate' tab at the top

Another way that you can generously help me (and, in the process, hopefully help yourself!) is by sponsoring a day use hotel room for the purposes of photoshoot style fun. I regularly book a room for a morning or afternoon and take photos and short video clips of myself in order to keep my gallery up to date and accurate - not to mention indulge my penchant for exhibitionism! You can see examples of previous self-shot media here. In return, I will send you your very own photos and a short video to express my thanks! Get in touch for more info on how you can assist with this!